超過40座藝術、文化遺產、自然歷史和科學的博物館將會在2月2日(六)和2月3日(日)參加第十四屆「Museums Free-for-All」活動,門票都免費!
「14年來,該活動已經帶給該地區數千多名增加的遊客。這是一個特別的週末,南加州或其他的地方的人可以探索他們從未去過的博物館,或是回到以前熟悉的家庭景點。我們很興奮能夠維持這項帶給所有人了解南加州文化的傳統。」南加州博物館館長 Jennifer Caballerog說。
- Armory Center for the Arts
- Automobile Driving Museum
- The Broad (建議先預訂票,才不用排隊等待入場。至 www.thebroad.org 預定門票)
- California African American Museum
- California Science Center (Space Shuttle Endeavor須先預訂)
- Craft and Folk Art Museum
- Forest Lawn Museum
- Fowler Museum at UCLA
- Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art
- The Getty Center
- The Getty Villa (須先預訂。至 www.getty.edu 預定門票)
- Hammer Museum
- Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
- Laguna Art Museum
- La Plaza de Cultura y Artes
- Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions
- Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
- The Museum of Contemporary Art
- Orange County Museum of Art
- Pomona College Museum of Art
- Sunnylands Center & Gardens
- USC Pacific Asia Museum
- Academy Museum of Motion Pictures (2019全新開幕)
- Autry Museum of the American West
- Columbia Memorial Space Center
- Descanso Gardens (免費門票至 descansogardens.org/tickets索取)
- Japanese American National Museum (免費門票至 janm.org/freeforall 索取)
- Kidspace Museum
- La Brea Tar Pits and Museum (免費門票至 tarpits.org/freeforall索取)
- Los Angeles County Museum of Art
- Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
- Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and Sea Center (只有博物館票價免費)
- Santa Barbara Museum of Art
- USC Fisher Museum of Art
- Wende Museum of the Cold War
- Bowers Museum
- Muckenthaler Cultural Center
- Museum of Latin American Art
- Museum of Tolerance
- Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (免費門票至 nhm.org/freeforall 索取)
- Palm Springs Art Museum
- Skirball Cultural Center (Noah’s Ark 進入有限時,每小時的票有限,發完為止)
- The University Art Museum at California State University, Long Beach
- Valley Relics Museum
- Zimmer Children’s Museum by Sharewell
資料來源:SoCal Museums announces 14th Annual ‘Museums Free-For-All’
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