星期二晚上,35 歲的女子 Wendy Karina Martinez 在華盛頓特區洛根圓環(Logan Circle)附近慢跑。WUSA-TV 報導,大約晚上 8 點以前,她在特區西北部的第 11 街和 O 街被刺傷。
警方認為這是兇嫌隨機刺人,並在尋找一名穿著芥黃色毛衣的兇嫌,懸賞金為 25,000 美金。
Help us identify the person responsible for the murder of Wendy Martinez. She was stabbed to death last night in the 1400 block of 11th St, NW.
Click the link for additional details and video. https://t.co/Ybce195sqs
Have info? Call 202-727-9099/Text 50411 pic.twitter.com/9LjLavquPZ
— DC Police Department (@DCPoliceDept) September 19, 2018
資料來源:CBS News – Woman stabbed to death while jogging in Washington, D.C.
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